About us

                COMPUTER APPLICATION TRAINING CENTRE was  founded  in 2012  as  a  non-profit  institution  to  develop   and narture  the professional  excellence in  Information  Technology and  to cater  the growing demand for IT professionals. Unlike the mushrooming  computer training shops, our thrust  have  been on  quality  rather  than quantity.

Since  its  inception,  CATC  has gained  a  reputation  for  itself  and  for  its  professional training in  various  courses. It  has been offering  by  revising  them  regularly  to  the changing  needs of IT  sector of Employment.

     Hope  the youth of  Niali locality &  arround  couragiously  gain the courses offered at CATC.

          After  completing  our  courses  the  students  become  IT  professionals,  who   are  well  equipped  with  knowledge  acquire necessary skills  and  able   to  solve  the   real  problems   related to  Information  Technology   and   other field  of  Implements . The ODISHA  Govt. registered  it  under  Society  Act. As Technologies are  changing   amazingly   fast,  we  have  designed   our courses in  accordance  with the  current  trends  and have  the flexibility to add new courses and leave the courses whichever is now obsolete. After completion of  the  course, the student  will  be equipped with the knowledge of  latest  software  packages  and be  able to  face the real life situations.

It is  expected by the students that  they will devote themselves fully for the courses and abide by the rules  and regulations  of the institute.  This institute will help the students in the final placement and proper guidance throughout the courses offered.

COMPUTER APPLICATION TRAINING CENTRE   (CATC)  was the first institute connected to the Internet for Internet  education in the District. It  also give  guarantee for the  placement  of  students having  excellencies.  We  have  also  started  full  time courses for professionals.




Where did motivations come from?

Before establishment of CATC in our city there are number of computer institutes. Who are offering a very lavish computer education with a good investment as well as there were some institutes who were offering a mod education with less investment all the above institutes were being a rural area with lack of literacy and awareness, in our city there was not enough for those who were not able to pay more.

Initial problems

After  establishment of CATC  we are required to have  the trust of people.  This task  was  much difficult  as discussed above that people were fed up with sophisticated behavior and language. We  tried  to  speak  their  own  language  as well  as  concentrate on their problems and solutions. It took lots of  effort  and patience. But we moved ahead & ahead.

Courses offered
Countries represented by over 2500 Students.
International Students with 8% under Cultural Council.
Certified Students
Students receive financial aid and selected via entrance test.
Students teacher ratio, for proper attention on child.

Join us for a bright career